DUI stops - also known as traffic stops - are something that every driver will come across at least once during their time on the road. While these stops exist for a reason and do help maintain the safety of the road, not everyone wants to go through them. Is there a...
The Best Defense Strategies Are Based In Experience
Month: October 2022
Minors and alcohol-related offenses
Drivers who are 21 years of age and older face arrest for driving while intoxicated if their blood alcohol concentration is .08 or higher. However, drivers who are not of legal drinking age can face DWI arrest if there is any trace of alcohol in their system. DWIs are...
Common strategies for DWI defense
A person under arrest for driving while intoxicated understands the serious financial, legal and social consequences if convicted. Fortunately, there are some defense strategies that may result in a not-guilty charge. There are various defense arguments, depending on...
Understanding the open container law
If you are on your way to a party, and someone else is driving, you may think that it is ok to bring along a "roadie." Many people use this term to refer to an alcoholic beverage consumed in a vehicle. However, Texas has an open container law that forbids drivers and...
Various factors affect how fast your BAC rises
If you have had a long day at work, there may be a temptation to stop off for a drink or two before driving home. However, this decision can have unwanted consequences if it results in a driving while intoxicated charge. According to the Indiana University of...
The penalties for underage drunk driving in Texas
If you are under the age of 21 and a law enforcement official finds alcohol in your system during a traffic stop, you could face devastating consequences. In fact, having any detectable alcohol in your system could lead to charges, even if you consumed a very small...