Law enforcement will likely ask drivers many questions during a traffic stop. If the police suspect someone was drunk driving, the police may ask if they had been drinking, how much they were drinking, where they were driving from and if they had any alcohol with...
The Best Defense Strategies Are Based In Experience
Month: October 2023
Do you have to submit to standard field sobriety tests?
An officer may pull you over even for a minor traffic violation, but if they suspect you have been driving while intoxicated (DWI), they will most likely investigate further. They will first look for signs of intoxication, such as bloodshot eyes, the smell of alcohol...
Reasonable suspicion and probable cause in a DWI case
If the police arrest you and charge you with driving while intoxicated (DWI), it is essential to learn more about your defense options. Saying you were not drunk is unlikely to cut it in most cases, especially if the police have a test result that says you were. One...