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What not to say when pulled over for a suspected DWI infraction

On Behalf of | Jan 25, 2024 | DWI

When being pulled over due to a law enforcement officer’s suspicion that you are driving while intoxicated (DWI), it’s crucial to be aware of what you should and shouldn’t say.

Your words and behavior can significantly influence the situation’s outcome. It’s important to remain calm, respectful and mindful of your legal rights.

Do not admit to drinking

One of the first things an officer might ask is if you have been drinking. It’s important not to admit to consuming alcohol. Even a casual admission of having “just one drink” can be used against you. Politely decline to answer or simply state that you wish not to discuss your activities prior to driving. Remember, you are not legally obligated to answer potentially incriminating questions.

Do not argue or be combative

Stay calm and avoid being confrontational. Arguing with the police can escalate the situation and lead to additional charges. Keep your responses polite and brief. If you disagree with the officer’s assessment, discussing this later with a legal representative rather than at the roadside is better.

Do not overshare

Providing too much information can inadvertently lead to self-incrimination. Stick to answering basic questions about your identity and vehicle registration. Avoid sharing details about where you were, who you were with or what you were doing before being stopped.

Do not speculate about your condition

Avoid making statements about your physical or mental condition, such as “I’m just tired” or “I only feel a little buzzed.” These comments can be interpreted as admissions of impaired driving. It’s best to refrain from discussing how you feel or appear to be.

Being pulled over for DWI suspicion is a serious matter. It’s crucial to be cautious about what you say to the police. Always remember your right to remain silent and the option to consult with an attorney before making any statements that could impact your case.